
talking about daily rake

Archive for June, 2009

I really bought it.

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I said ”I really bought it”, but it’s not this.

I bought the camera , Hasselblad which is recommended by my colleague, rockcape(his site is here).
It’s a classical camera. I’ve never used even up-to-date digital cameras, so it may be a ridiculous venture… But it looked so cool for me that I couldn’t resist temptation :-).

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Written by nen

June 30th, 2009 at 12:30 P

I’m dying to get it!

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It’s very nice so that I’m dying to get it, although how should I deal with it if it would come my room…?

「1/1 : real size Wars-man head animated color ver.」

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Written by nen

June 26th, 2009 at 1:00 P

Posted in misc

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Monitoring Hudson on an iPhone

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Recently the rate of iPhone owners around me is increasing on an alarming rate. My desire for this luxury shows the same trend. In that situation I heard the news that the tool to monitor Hudson continuous integration engine on iPhone was released.

Hudson Helper :Hudson on your iPhoneGreen’s Opinion

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Written by nen

June 3rd, 2009 at 1:30 P

Posted in tech

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